Andrew Tate; Truth, Manhood, Culture

August 7, 2022 at 11:45 pm

No doubt Andrew Tate pulled off a great move in internet algorithms, search engine optimization, and social media trending, unlike any Youtuber to date. He had already conquered the web and entrepreneurship in various ways.

I and the guy who turned me onto internet money-making developments, and crypto have had these exact conversations with the exact conclusions.

Of course for the interests of this particular website and article, what is point-worthy is his mention of bitcoin and crypto plans and prediction that the asset class will prevail.

But what is really point worthy about this guy, is he virtually has the revolution.

Hustlers University, his money counseling program for 49$ per month that has incredible record-breaking retention and growth is now helping 68k make

“People call Bitcoin, and Hustlers University scams to disguise their own laziness to investigate and work and find what it really is.” – Andrew Tate [m]

I started to frame up a hustling university a few years ago (and alternative courses will be the most valuable in actual successful ability), I was considering linking it into the game I am building, and I am now thinking I will just include Andrew’s super successful one in place of that is already working for people. I have zero issues giving credit where it’s due – in fact, I appreciate what is going on here in this camp; and we need a big wheel to move, not all these small re-inventions that just fall out. I completely support this cat, and I love pretty much everything he has to say.

I have watched about 30 hours of him over the last month and the only thing I have not liked is that he said he is Athiest. He is 100% of the genetics of his father the Chess Grand Master in that he is a super genius. So for that, the Athiest comment struck me funny but moving right along. We all have lots to learn in this journey and this guy knows quite a bit and is certainly a good stock for most to learn from.

Like a true chess champ, this cat has throughout all the moves. Intensely I might add. Observing this really communicates a deep appreciation of life, that I deeply respect. For this, I have subscribed, and will support, and appreciate it.

In that Paul Revere kind of way, he has an Alex Jones element to him. Out of my months of research the video below and the video referenced above, are the top finds (for me).


This stuff he was saying about needing a team, this is true a team does big things, and if you want to do big things, you need a team, and if you want a big life you need to be doing big things.


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